Use cases and best practices

In this section you can find use cases and best practices

Creating a test Accommodation Partner

To create a test Accommodation Partner, keep the following in mind:

  1. The Contracting API uses a one-to-one relationship between the legal contact email address and the legal entity ID. Therefore, for testing purposes you must use a different email address.

    TIP You could attach a suffix to your legal contact email address, for example:, with +test01 being the suffix. Doing so results in any communication still being sent to the same email address, but the system recognising it as different. You should add a unique suffix each time you create a new test partner, but remember to add a + sign before the suffix.

  2. Add the is_test parameter and set it to 1 to correctly create a test Accommodation Partner.

This flow refers to using the API in its full capacity to do contracting for Accommodation Partners with

  1. Send legal details to to create a legal entity id.
  2. Find the legal entity ID immediately in the response body. sends email with a link to the contracting tool to the Accommodation Partner (AP).
  3. Start building a new property using the HotelDescriptiveContentNotif endpoint with the required legal entity ID.
    Check the contract status at least once a day until AP signs the contract.
  4. Set property to open and bookable using the HotelSummaryNotif endpoint.

Building after contract is signed

  1. Send legal details to to create a legal entity id.
  2. Retrieve legal entity ID. sends email with a link to the contracting tool to the Accommodation Partner (AP).
  3. Wait until the contract is signed.
    Check the contract status at least once a day until AP signs the contract.
  4. Start building a new property using the HotelDescriptiveContentNotif endpoint with the required legal entity ID.
  5. Set property to open and bookable using the HotelSummaryNotif endpoint.

This flow refers to the build first approach using the contracting feature.

→ To switch on the contracting feature, see the Accommodation Partner build first contracting flow feature on the feature management page.

  1. Start building a new property using HDCN with the required ContractContactEmail, contact name, preferred language, and company name. sends email with a link to the contracting tool to the Accommodation Partner (AP).
  2. Wait until the contract is signed.
    Check the contract status at least once a day until AP signs the contract.
  3. Set property to open and bookable using the HotelSummaryNotif endpoint.