Managing property details

Use the Property Details API (property-api) to create, update and retrieve property details.

Creating property details


Use the property-api endpoint to create a property by specifying the property details such as name, property category, physical location, check in/out time and few others. After successfully processing the request, the endpoint returns a property ID.

API validations

In addition to the validations mentioned in the Request body parameters table below, here are some additional validations to be aware of:

  • The latitude and longitude values must correspond to the country specified under physical_address ... >... country_code. Otherwise, the API returns Cannot create a hotel because UFI country (countryCode) is different from property country (countryCode).
  • For non-test properties: Make sure the property is not a duplicate of an existing property. Property Details API defines a duplicate as having an exact match on: property name, address line, position.latitude, and position.longitude.
    • If the API finds a duplicate property AND the property is associated with your account or the provided LEID then the API returns the existing properties’ ID so that you can add more room types or quantity or ask the property owner to update the existing property. For more information, see the OTA Error Code 850.
    • In the case that you still wish to create the property, you can avoid the duplicate block by ensuring that the property name or address line is unique.
  • The postcode/zip code must be correct for the city.
  • The postcode/zip code must be correct for the country.
  • Add a valid phone number with +country code (rather than just the local number).

Property naming convention

When naming a property, ensure that the name:

  • Has a length between 3 and 255 characters.
  • Does not contain a phone number (or no more than five consecutive numbers).
  • Name does not include emojis or some special characters including " | > <"
  • Is not all in uppercase.
  • Does not support CJK Unified Ideographs.

Usage of certain words are restricted as property names

If a name is rejected, the property name could contain a restricted word. If you do not think this is the case, reach out to our Connectivity Support.

Header parameter

The following table describes the elements you can add in the header:

Header Description Type Required/
Content-Type: application/json Specifies the expected content type. string required
Accept-Version Specify the version number to get the API functionality specific to that version. string optional Currently supports the value: 1.0

Request body parameters

The following table describes the elements you can add in the request body:

Element Attribute Description Type Required/
Notes Root parameter in HDCN
> position Contains the geographical coordinates of the property. object required - >>>> Position
latitude Specifies the latitude coordinates. double required - Latitude
longitude Specifies the longitude coordinates. double required - Longitude
> check_in Contains the check-in details. object required Specify 24-hour check-in by using 00:00 for both from and until. >>>>> PolicyInfo.CheckInTime
from Specifies the earliest time a guest can check-in. enumerated string required Accepted values follow the Check-In / Check-Out Times format.
until Specifies the latest time when a guest can check-in. enumerated string optional Accepted values follow the Check-In / Check-Out Times format.
> check_out Contains the check-out details. object optional Specify 24-hour check-out by using 00:00 for both from and until. >>>>> PolicyInfo.CheckOutTime
from Specifies the earliest time a guest can check-out. enumerated string optional Accepted values follow the Check-In / Check-Out Times format.
until Specifies the latest time when a guest can check-out. enumerated string required if check_out > from is specified Accepted values follow the Check-In / Check-Out Times format.
> property_name Specifies the name of the property on string required Does not support using CJK Unified Ideographs. >> HotelDescriptiveContent.HotelName
> property_category Specifies the property class type code. integer required For a list of supported property class type codes, see Property Class Type Code. >>>>> HotelCategory
> primary_language Specifies the language in which the property wants their extranet content and communication such as emails, notifications, and so on. enumerated string optional Default: en-gb. For a list of supported language codes, see Language Code table. LanguageCode
> languages_spoken Contains the language(s) spoken at the property. array of enumerated strings optional Can contain multiple Language elements. For a list of supported language codes, see Language Code table. >>> HotelInfo.Languages
> room_count Specifies the number of sellable units the property offers. integer required A "sellable unit" is the smallest possible space that a guest can book at the property. In a property with 200 rooms, each room is a sellable unit, and the value would be 200.
In a holiday home, guests must typically book the home in its entirety, making the value 1.
>>>>> GuestRoomInfo.Quantity
> floor_count Specifies the total number of floors in the building, excluding the underground floors. integer optional Max value can be 200. >>>> TotalNumberOfFloors.Number
> stars Specifies the number of stars. You can set star rating only for Hotel properties such as Hostel, Resort, Motel or Capsule Hotel among others and not Apartment or Villa and so on. integer optional Accepts values: 05.
Starting from 1, accepts values in increments of .5.
Some countries don't use star ratings.
To see whether your property belongs to a Hotel property type, see the property class type table.
>>> AffiliationInfo > Awards > Award.Rating
> target Specifies whether it is a test or production-ready property. enumerated string required Accepts the following values:
- test
- production
> OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotif.Target
> provider_property_id Specifies a custom property ID. string optional Recommended for new properties. For example, the provider's internal ID.
Can contain a maximum of 16 characters.
>>> HotelInfo.ID
> currency_code Specifies the defined currency for the property. enumerated string optional In select countries a currency other than the default can be selected. For more details see the information the currency documentation CurrencyCode
> physical_address Contains the property's physical address. object required -
city_name Species the name of the city, town, or village. string required Does not support using CJK Unified Ideographs. >>> ContactInfos
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
country_code Species the two-letter country code. enumerated string required For more information on how to retrieve the country code details, see xml/countries endpoint. >>> ContactInfos
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
postal_code Specifies the postal/zip code. string optional Make sure the zip code (postal_code) is relevant to the country specified in the country_code. >>> ContactInfos
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
address_line Species the full street name and number. string required Does not support using CJK Unified Ideographs.
Should not contain abbreviations (such as "Rd." for "Road") and should not exceed 255 characters.
>>> ContactInfos
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
display_address Specifies whether to hide the full address details from the guest. boolean optional - true : Shows the full address to the guest.
- false : Hides the full address from the guest.
>>> ContactInfos > HiddenAddress > ShouldHideAddress
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
> translations Specifies the non-English translations of the physical address. array of objects optional - >>> ContactInfos
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
city_name Species the name of the city, town, or village. string required >>> ContactInfos
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
address_line Species the full street name and number. string required Should not contain abbreviations (such as "Rd." for "Road") and should not exceed 255 characters. >>> ContactInfos
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
language_code Species the Language code for the address details. enumerated string required Used for non-English translations. For a list of supported language codes, see Language Code table.
property_name Specifies the non-English name of the property on enumerated string required >> HotelDescriptiveContent.HotelName
> legal_entity_id Specifies the ID of the legal entity to which the property belongs. integer required Only allowed for new properties. CompanyName > Code

Request body

The following is a request body example:

  "position": {
    "latitude": 52.388418,
    "longitude": 4.619941
  "check_in": {
    "from": "12:30"
  "check_out": {
    "from": "10:00",
    "until": "10:30"
  "property_name": "Floating hotel",
  "property_category": 30,
  "primary_language": "en-gb",
  "languages_spoken": [
  "room_count": 8,
  "floor_count": 1,
  "provider_property_id": "flotella003",
  "stars": "4",
  "target": "test",
  "physical_address": {
    "city_name": "Overveen",
    "country_code": "NL",
    "postal_code": "2051",
    "address_line": "Zandvoort",
    "display_address": true
  "translations": [
      "city_name": "Overveen",
      "address_line": "Zandvoort",
      "language_code": "es",
      "property_name": "Floating hotel"
  "legal_entity_id": "78775"

Response body

The following is a response body example:

  "data": {
    "property_id": 10664256
  "warnings": [],
  "meta": {
    "ruid": "08240512-21g4-4575-p94g-e76me888fwq4"

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

Element Attribute Description Type Notes
data Root element object
> property_id Specifies the property ID that was created or modified. string -
warnings Contains any warnings in the response. object -
meta Contains metadata information about the response. object -
> ruid Specifies the unique request ID. string You can share this ID with customer support when you run into an issue. This can help in understanding what went wrong.

Updating property details


Use the PATCH property-api endpoint along with the property ID as a path parameter to update the property details. All request parameters are optional. You can specify only the parameters that you want to change. Several request parameters can be unset by passing null as the value. This is reiterated in the respective parameter's description.

API validations

In addition to the validations mentioned in the Request body parameters table below, here are some additional validations to be aware of:

  • Cannot update a property if it is in one of the following statuses:
    • XML: Ready to check
    • XML: Ready to open
    • Closed Post Legal
    • Closed forever
    • XML: Hotel is Duplicate
  • Can update the following fields only if the property is in Test Hotel or XML: Being built status.
    • currency_code
    • primary_language
    • physical_address
      • address_line
      • city_name
      • country_code
      • postal_code
      • primary_language

Header parameter

The following table describes the elements you can add in the header:

Header Description Type Required/
Accept-Version Specify the version number to get the API functionality specific to that version. string optional Currently supports the value: 1.0

Path parameter

The following table describes the elements you can add in the path:

Value Description Type Required/
{property ID} Specify the unique ID of the property to update its details. integer required

Request body parameters

The following table describes the elements you can add in the request body:

Element Attribute Description Type Required/
Notes Name in HDCN
> position Contains the geographical coordinates of the property. object optional >>>> Position
latitude Specifies the latitude coordinates. double optional recommends that you set both latitude and longitude values in the same request. Latitude
longitude Specifies the longitude coordinates. double optional recommends that you set both latitude and longitude values in the same request. Longitude
> check_in Contains the check-in details. object optional Specify 24-hour check-in by using 00:00 for both from and until. >>>>> PolicyInfo.CheckInTime
from Specifies the earliest time a guest can check-in. enumerated string optional
until Specifies the latest time when a guest can check-in.
To clear the existing value, specify null.
enumerated string optional
> check_out Contains the check-out details. object optional Specify 24-hour check-out by using 00:00 for both from and until. >>>>> PolicyInfo.CheckOutTime
from Specifies the earliest time a guest can check-out.
To clear the existing value, specify null.
enumerated string optional Specify 24-hour check-in by using 00:00-00:00.
until Specifies the earliest time a guest can check-out. enumerated string optional >> HotelDescriptiveContent.HotelName
> property_name Specifies the name of the property on string optional If you want to (re)name a property, ensure the name follows naming convention.
Does not support using CJK Unified Ideographs.
>> HotelDescriptiveContent.HotelName
> property_category Specifies the property class type code. integer optional For a list of supported property class type codes, see Property Class Type Code. >>>>> HotelCategory
> primary_language Specifies the language in which the property wants their extranet content and communication such as emails, notifications, and so on. enumerated string optional For a list of supported language codes, see Language Code table.
Only possible to update if the property is in status: Test Hotel or XML: Being built.
> languages_spoken Contains the language(s) spoken at the property.
To clear the existing value, specify null.
array of enumerated strings optional Can contain multiple Language elements. For a list of supported language codes, see Language Code table. >>> HotelInfo.Languages
> room_count Specifies the number of sellable units the property offers. integer optional A "sellable unit" is the smallest possible space that a guest can book at the property. In a property with 200 rooms, each room is a sellable unit, and the value would be 200.
In a holiday home, guests must typically book the home in its entirety, making the value 1.
>>>>> GuestRoomInfo.Quantity
> floor_count Specifies the total number of floors in the building, excluding the underground floors. integer optional Maximum value can be 200. >>>> TotalNumberOfFloors.Number
> stars Specifies the number of stars. You can set star rating only for Hotel properties such as Hostel, Resort, Motel or Capsule Hotel among others and not Apartment or Villa and so on. string optional Accepts values: 05.
Half star increments are possible (e.g. 1.5), but rarely used
Some countries don't use star ratings.
To see whether your property belongs to a Hotel property type, see the property class type table.
>>> AffiliationInfo > Awards > Award.Rating
> provider_property_id Specifies a custom property ID.
To clear the existing value, specify null.
string optional Can contain a maximum of 16 characters. >>> HotelInfo.ID
> currency_code Specifies the defined currency for the property. enumerated string optional In select countries a currency other than the default can be selected. For more details see the information the currency documentation CurrencyCode
> physical_address Contains the property's physical address. object optional You can update this and its child elements only if the property is in status: Test Hotel or XML: Being built. recommends that you set all address details in a single request.
city_name Species the name of the city, town, or village. string optional Does not support using CJK Unified Ideographs. >>> ContactInfos
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
country_code Species the two-letter country code. enumerated string optional For more information on how to retrieve the country code details, see xml/countries endpoint. >>> ContactInfos
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
postal_code Specifies the postal/zip code. string optional - >>> ContactInfos
address_line Species the full street name and number. string optional Does not support using CJK Unified Ideographs.
Should not contain abbreviations (such as "Rd." for "Road") and should not exceed 255 characters.
>>> ContactInfos
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
display_address Specifies whether to hide the full address details from the guest.
Recommended to also set address_line
boolean optional - true : Shows the full address to the guest.
- false : Hides the full address from the guest.
>>> ContactInfos > HiddenAddress > ShouldHideAddress
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
> translations Specifies the non-English translations of the physical address and property name. array of objects optional Note that updating translations fields only appends to or updates the existing values and does not delete translations that are omitted. For example, when you pass translations while creating a property (POST) for the languages es and fr and then update the translations using PATCH with translations for fr and de, then the property would have translations for es, fr (updated), and de. >>> ContactInfos
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
city_name Species the name of the city, town, or village. string required >>> ContactInfos
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
address_line Species the full street name and number. string required Should not contain abbreviations (such as "Rd." for "Road") and should not exceed 255 characters. >>> ContactInfos
ContactProfileType=PhysicalLocation to update physical address details using HDCN.
language_code Species the Language code for the address details. enumerated string required Used for non-English translations. For a list of supported language codes, see Language Code table.
property_name Specifies the non-English name of the property on enumerated string required If you want to (re)name a property, ensure the name follows naming convention. >> HotelDescriptiveContent.HotelName

Request body

The following is a request body example:

  "check_in": {
    "from": "12:00"
  "check_out": {
    "from": "09:30"
  "languages_spoken": [

Response body

  "data": {
    "property_id": 10664256
  "warnings": [],
  "meta": {
    "ruid": "1c9bff15-h4742-9l08-2ew3-df4fd1f1166b"

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

Element Attribute Description Type Notes
data Root element object
> property_id Specifies the property ID that was created or modified. string -
warnings Contains any warnings in the response. object -
meta Contains metadata information about the response. object -
> ruid Specifies the unique request ID. string You can share this ID with customer support when you run into an issue. This can help in understanding what went wrong.

Retrieving property details


Use the GET property-api endpoint along with the property ID to retrieve the property details.

Header parameter

The following table describes the elements you can add in the header:

Header Description Type Required/
Accept-Version Specify the version number to get the API functionality specific to that version. string optional Currently supports the value: 1.0

Path parameter

The following table describes the elements you can add in the path:

Value Description Type Required/
{property ID} Specify the unique ID of the property to retrieve its details. integer required

Response body

  "data": {
    "position": {
      "latitude": 52.388418,
      "longitude": 4.619941
    "check_in": {
      "from": "12:00"
    "check_out": {
      "from": "09:30",
      "until": "10:30"
    "property_name": "Floating hotel",
    "property_category": 30,
    "primary_language": "en-gb",
    "languages_spoken": [
    "room_count": 8,
    "floor_count": 1,
    "provider_property_id": "flotella003",
    "stars": "4",
    "target": "test",
    "currency_code": "EUR",
    "property_id": 10664256,
    "status": "Test Hotel",
    "physical_address": {
      "city_name": "Overveen",
      "country_code": "nl",
      "postal_code": "2051",
      "address_line": "Zandvoort",
      "display_address": true
    "translations": [
        "city_name": "Overveen",
        "address_line": "Zandvoort",
        "language_code": "es",
        "property_name": "Floating hotel"
    "legal_entity_id": "78775"
  "meta": {
    "ruid": "2ccea0cc-9a0b-4179-9c20-9436e50cc070"

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

Element Attribute Description Type Notes
data Root element object
> position Contains the geographical coordinates of the property. object
latitude Specifies the latitude coordinates. double -
longitude Specifies the longitude coordinates. double -
> check_in Contains the check in time code for the earliest time a guest can check in. string A value of 00:00 for both from and until means the property accepts 24-hour check in.
from Specifies the check in for the earliest time a guest can check in. enumerated string -
until Specifies the check in until when guests can check in. enumerated string -
> check_out Contains the check out time code for the earliest time a guest can check out. string A value of 00:00 for both from and until means the property accepts 24-hour check out.
from Specifies the check out for the earliest time a guest can check out. enumerated string -
until Specifies the check out until when guests can check out. enumerated string -
> property_name Specifies the name of the property on string -
> property_category Specifies the property class type code. enumerated string -
> primary_language Specifies the language in which the property wants their extranet content and communication. enumerated string -
> languages_spoken Contains the language(s) spoken at the property. string Can contain multiple Language elements.
> room_count Specifies the number of sellable units the property offers. integer -
> floor_count Specifies the total number of floors in the building. integer -
> target Specifies whether it is a test or production-ready property. enumerated string Contains one of the following values:
- test
- production
> stars Specifies the number of stars. integer -
> provider_property_id Specifies a custom property ID. string -
>> currency_code Specifies the defined currency for the property. enumerated string -
> property_id Specifies the generated property ID. string -
>> status Specifies the property status. enumerated string -
>> url [Only available when a property is in open and bookable status] Specifies the property's URL.
Note: Changes that may be immediately reflected via APIs or Extranet may take extra time to show up in our traveller facing products because the use of caches and data materlization.
string -
> physical_address Contains the property's physical address. object -
>> city_name Specifies the name of the city, town, or village. string -
>> country_code Specifies the two-letter country code. enumerated string -
>> postal_code Specifies the postal/zip code. string -
>> address_line Specifies the full street name and number. string -
>>> city_name Specifies the name of the city, town, or village. string -
>>> address_line Specifies the full street name and number. string -
>>> language_code Specifies the Language code for the address details. enumerated string -
>>> property_name Specifies the non-English name of the property on enumerated string -
>> display_address Specifies whether to hide the address details. boolean - true : Shows the full address to the guest.
- false : Hides the full address from the guest.
> translations Specifies the non-English translations of the physical address object -
> legal_entity_id Specifies the ID of the legal entity to which the property belongs. integer -
warnings Contains any warnings in the response. object -
meta Contains metadata information about the response. object -
> ruid Specifies the unique request ID. string You can share this ID with customer support when you run into an issue. This can help in understanding what went wrong.

Quick Actions

→ To learn more about the Property API use cases, see Property API implementation use cases.
→ To troubleshoot Property API errors, see Troubleshooting Property API error responses.
→ To create and manage property contacts, see Contacts API.