Troubleshooting Property API error responses

This topic lists all the possible errors you might encounter while using the Property API and how to resolve them.

Working with errors

This section captures a list of common HTTP errors you might encounter and possible solutions to fix them.

HTTP Error Code OTA Error Code Description Reason and Possible Fix
HTTP 400 Bad Request 30 Accommodation type quota exceeded. You have reached the limit to create test properties.
Try updating a test property.
HTTP 400 Bad Request 150 Changes are not permitted. Can occur due to one of the following reasons:
- The request contains a change that is not permitted given the property's current status. The response may include a duplicate property ID.
See the API validations section for the appropriate API action.
HTTP 400 Bad Request 320 Invalid value. The API returns errors.details and errors.description that captures which part of the request body contains invalid values and a description to help you troubleshoot the error.
To know more about the exact fields with invalid values, parse the errors.details.fields. For some fields, the API also returns allowed values.
HTTP 400 Bad Request 321 Required field missing. Use the errors.details and errors.description field to identify the missing required fields and a description to help you troubleshoot the error.
To know more about the exact fields with missing values, parse the errors.details.fields.
HTTP 400 Bad Request 394 Invalid item. Can occur when you specify an unknown parameter in the request. Make sure to specify the right parameters. Check for typos or fields that are returned in the GET response, but not accepted in POST or PATCH requests
HTTP 200 Ok 430 Ok May be used to passed information messages that don't require action.
HTTP 400 Bad Request 447 Unable to update - simultaneous updates. There is a duplicate request that's currently being process. For creation (POST) requests this is determined based identical address_line, latitude, and longitude values. For update (PATCH) requests this is based on property_id.
HTTP 400 Bad Request 850 Cannot create duplicate property. There is an existing property with the following identical details: property_name, address_line and latitude/longitude values.
HTTP 400 Bad Request 450 Unable to process Can occur due to one of the following reasons:
- Incorrect endpoint URL/HTTP method or invalid JSON body. Make sure to use the correct endpoint URL/HTTP method or check if the request has a valid JSON body.
HTTP 400 Bad Request 497 Authorization error. The request contains invalid authentication credentials.
Provide the correct authentication details.
HTTP 404 Not Found 635 Not found Make sure to use the correct property ID or check whether you have provided valid credentials to access the property details.

Duplicate property error response

Below you can find example responses form our duplicate check during property creation. For more see API validations while creating a property.

    "warnings": [],
    "errors": [
            "message": "Cannot create duplicate property",
            "code": 850,
            "details": {
                "associated_with_legal_entity": true,
                "associated_with_provider": true,
                "duplicate_property_id": 123456
            "description": "This property already exists. Please consider creating a new room type or increasing the quantity of an existing room type."
    "meta": {
        "ruid": "1c9bff15-f321-7J0kl-8rw4-df4fd1f1166b"
    "warnings": [],
    "errors": [
            "message": "Cannot create duplicate property",
            "code": 850,
            "details": {
                "associated_with_legal_entity": false,
                "associated_with_provider": false
            "description": "This property already exists, but is not associated with your account."
    "meta": {
        "ruid": "1c9bff15-f321-7J0kl-8rw4-df4fd1f1166b"

Quick Actions

→ To create and manage property details, see Managing property details.
→ To learn more about the Property API use cases, see Property API implementation use cases.